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Drumhome Heritage Society is a cross-community Society, founded in June 2015. 

Our mission includes;


(a)   The study and preservation of the historical sites of Drumhome, and the provision of information at such sites.

(b)    The arrangement of visits to places of interest and the delivery of lectures thereon.

(c)    The encouragement of public interest in the history, folklore and the genealogy of the parish.

(d)    The creation and maintenance of a website to explain and promote the rich heritage of the area.

Drumhome Heritage Walk and Historical Talk August 2018

Saint Assicus

Saint Assicus was a friend of St Patrick whom Saint Patrick converted to Christianity.  He was a skilled metal worker and made chalices, patens, and metal book-covers for the churches founded by Patrick. 

He is buried in Racoo graveyard.

Archelogical  Richness

The Cathach was a book of old testament psalms said to be written by St Colmcille.  It is the oldest surviving  manuscript in Ireland and the second oldest collection of psalms in the world. The Cathach was kept in safekeeping at Ballymagroarty Monastery by Clan MacRobhartaigh.  Since 1842 the Cathach has been housed in the Royal Irish Academy and the Shrine of the Cathach (pictured above), an ornate box designed and made in the 11th century, can be seen in the National Museum of Ireland.

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